Emergency Medicine Training in the UK

If you are interested in training in Emergency Medicine then this page gives you a guide to the UK training programme.

Overview of training

Overview of training.png


For more information then please visit the College Of Emergency Medicine website.


There have been recent changes to the UK Emergency Medicine training which make it even easier to train in the world's greatest medical specialty.  There are 2 main areas that are being piloted:

  1. Run through training (ACCS to CCT)
  2. Alternative routes of entry into Emergency Medicine higher specialist training

Follow this link to find out more.

If you are currently in training (e.g. ACCS, ST3) - click here for more information about how this scheme applies to you!


How will training change in the future?

The Shape of Training Review (published in 2013 - Prof David Greenaway) is a report on how post graduate training will change in the future.  In essence, there are 5 major themes but here are some interesting points.

  • All doctors will have to provide acute and emergency care (no problem there!)
  • Doctors will get their CCT after their generalist training (and so sub-specialty training will occur post CCT)
  • There will be a focus on community facing care (blurring the boundary between primary and secondary care)


For ACCS (CT1, CT2) click here

For ST3 click here

For ST4+ click here

For Ultrasound and Sub-specialty Training click here